ACTUS Récentes
  1. Réception du Plateau U7
  2. Réception de Montluçon
  3. Journée Jeunes Talents
  4. Bilan 1ère Phase
  5. Réception 1er plateau




Saturday 14 et Sunday 15 june 2025

U12-U13 (2012-2013) and U14-U15 (2010-2011) girl and boy.


4 locations: le gymnase Albert Buisson (principal) et les gymnases Murat, Counil et du Pré Rond.

Let’s go to the 33th international basketball tournament in Issoire !

As it used to be during the former sporting events, basketball, warmth and kindness will be here on June 15th and 16th 2024 for both U13 and U15 groups (girls and boys).

The sport event team will offer to all young players from France and from other countries as well, a sufficient number of matches, which will be arbitrated by officials from the Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne league. The matches will take place over two days and in four sport sites in Issoire.

The volunteer team will welcome all delegations and remain at their disposal for meals and for anyother support during the whole event.

At the heart of the sport event, you are invited to come to a party typically from the Auvergne region, with regional specialties and « dance floor » atmosphere. You could then share and discuss with everyone, and why not show off your talent as a dancer (not only as a basketball player) ???…

So if you want to complete your sports season by taking part in a championship which combines competition, sportiness, play, enjoyness and conviviality, do not hesitate anymore ! And come to our international basketball championship !

We look forward to seeing you there !

Catering on the spot : refreshments, grills, burger, sandwich, chips, sweets, crepes …

Breakfast : on reservation and payment at registration wich the club (see attached)

Typical auvergne meal and dance on saturday evening (on reservation, see form)